Monday, September 7, 2009

John Quade, Rest In Peace

John Quade died in his sleep on Sunday, August 9, 2009, according to the LA Times. Quade's portrayal of the leader of the Black Widows (whose name is variously spelled Chola or Cholla) is one of those essential ingredients in the EWWBL franchise that you might take for granted.

Mike has already written an appreciation of Quade's comic acting, and I commented on his more recent involvement in conspiracy theorist groups. I'll take this moment to remember his physical presence on screen.

In his obituary, his wife is quoted as saying: "He looked like he could do murder and mayhem at any moment, but he was a big teddy bear -- the kind that he just loved little kids, but they were always afraid of him."

He certainly hits some different notes at various points in the movie, but it's his smoldering rage that I think really makes his performance. With his large frame straddling his motorcycle, he gives a wide variety of reactions to the indignities he and the Widows suffer throughout the two films. Exasperation, shame, confusion. But my favorite is when he sets his jaw and looks like he is silently counting to ten and trying to keep from strangling one of his underlings. He did all of this without saying a word.

He also has a particular strut nicely complemented by swatting his riding crop into his hand rhythmically. Hats off to the costume department. The biker regalia crosses into the absurd without being too obvious. Quade's stride suggests an arrogance genuinely won by past accomplishments--times now past. Quade's age and the age of the other Black Widows is a subtle way to tell that story as well.

Quade's rough complexion suggested that he had survived many rough years. And every once in a while that smoldering expression crumbles and breaks when Cholla is pushed too far. ("It was only one old woman that nearly ruinated you!")

I dare say that there aren't too many character actors like John Quade left in Hollywood. Adam Sandler and a couple others have assembled regular companies of character actors, but guys like Quade are a dying breed. Hopefully his performances in EWWBL and AWWYC are being closely studied, inspiring a new generation of tough guys with perfect comedic timing.