Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Latest in Philo Beddoe Bands News

A fourth band joins the ranks of the music groups that take on the name and legacy of Philo Beddoe. This Milwaukee, Wisconsin, modern punk band adds a bit of flair and mystery by occasionally putting an E at the end of Philoe, as they do on their facebook page, but other times, as in their logo below, they drop the E and one of the D's from Beddoe.
While frontman Mat and drummer Jarod have been playing together since they were in elementary school, Wes the bassist recently helped form their latest group after meeting Jarod in paramedic school. Their single "Dick Bacon" has a sound reminiscent of Green Day. Other songs include "Black Bear Swamp" and "Digging Up Worms." Apparently the band had a gig at Liquor Sweets back in July when they opened for Beatallica, a tongue-in-cheek tribute to the Beatles and Metallica. No word on how the gig went at this point.