Sunday, August 23, 2009

Chasing Chollo

July 1, 2007

I've spent a little time this morning trying to figure out what John Quade is doing these days. It's led me to some odd discoveries.

According some websites, Quade became a member of a Christian group with some strong convictions about something called Christian Reconstructionism. More importantly, though, he was a close associate of a very powerful man: C. Everett Koop, M.D.

Koop called upon Quade in 1981 to spend the day making calls to various people around the country to help stop something called a Discharge Petition, which seems to have had something to do with abortion. Quade is described as being a "Hollywood actor and a member of the New Right."

Then at a myspace website, there is an audio file of John Quade making a speech at the 1995 Preparedness Expo about how nobody has rights because Congress can take them away. There's some kind of techno music playing over his voice. It's strange to say the least. He's described as "Hollywood actor, aerospace engineer, Christian biker and legal scholar, John Quade aka John William Saunders." I did not listen to the entire hour, but he seems to be saying that all governments are illegitimate and only law should be Christian law, which is why he does not have a social security card or a driver's license. We are all "resident alien subject slaves" if we form these contracts with the government, and how the government actually owns all property and all we have are government "titles" to things like our cars. There is also some occasional mention of Bill Clinton and his queen. Evidently the Preparedness Expos are events for survivalists, militias, and far-right extremists who believe such things as all money is counterfeit and unconstitutional, Jewish cabals rule the world, and so forth.

And, as we all suspected was the case, John Quade has a VHS videotape for that you can receive for a $10 donation where he discusses the role of pastors in the American Revolution.

Which all raises the question, if we interviewed John Quade would he want to talk about Every Which Way But Loose?

1 comment:

  1. Allan, fan of the blog, had this to say:

    The answer to your question (although it comes two years after it was posed) is yes, Quade would have wanted to talk about EWWBL, which was not just about Orangutans, Olympia beer and right turns, but also sent the message that we should all be free to live the kind of live we want without the government breathing down our necks."
