Sunday, August 23, 2009

The People Still Love EWWBL

I don't know why this was created, but it was and the world has changed because of it. It came from this website.

1 comment:

  1. A lot of people throw around the word "genius." It is said of ideas, of people, of simplifications of the complicated. I've met some of these "geniuses" and let me tell you, there is always a trade-off that makes them not a genius. Remember that movie, "A Beautiful Mind" where, sure, the guy knew a lot about math, but couldn't distinguish reality from his fevered imagination? But there was a trade-off. How about "Rain Man?" How about the older professor at college who knows so much about the world, but he's so damn boring no one will listen to him? Would a true genius be so boring? But I think that real genius is, well, this. Brava, Universe, for a conflation of greatness. I feel like Philo would've cleared out those Empire Bastards in no time flat, sent them home in their jury-rigged Star Destroyers vowing revenge. I'm also intrigued by the exclusion of Lyne Halsey-Taylor in this picture.
